Qizhou Wang 

Ph.D. Student

TMLR Group
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Science, Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

[Google Scholar] [Github]
E-mail: csqzwang [at] comp.hkbu.edu.hk

Short Bio

I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student at Trustworthy Machine Learning and Reasoning (TMLR) Group in the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University, advised by Dr. Bo Han. I have worked as a visiting research student at RIKEN AIP, collaborating with Prof. Masashi Sugiyama and Dr. Gang Niu, and at Cornell University, collaborated with Prof. Kilian Q. Weinberger. I also work closely with Dr. Feng Liu and Dr. Zhen Fang.

My research interests lie in the broad areas of robust and reliable machine learning, including OOD Detection, adversarial robustness, and label noise robustness. Currently, I am studying unlearning and fine-tuning problems for foundation models.

Research Experience

Selected Publication

Honor & Award

Academic Service

Teaching Assistant